In-Kind Donations

Donation Guide

In-Kind Donations

Safe Haven gladly accepts in-kind donations of various goods, with a particular need for new toiletries and gift cards for survivors. Your contributions make a significant difference in helping us serve, strengthen, and support survivors of domestic violence.


Donations are accepted Tuesdays-Thursdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at our Outreach Office located at 204 North College St. Statesboro, GA 30458.

Please do not leave donations outside of our building as they will be damaged by the elements.


You can fill out an in-kind donation form there. It’s required if you would like a tax acknowledgement letter.

Donations We Can Accept:

Donations We Cannot Accept:

By Appointment Only:

To make an appointment, please call (912) 259-9258 and leave a message if we are with another donor. We will call you back to schedule a time.

We would like to thank our wonderful community for their understanding and continued support.